Tag Archives: Finding Hidden African American Ancestry

The Curiosities of Rh-negative Blood


This week I received a comment on this blog:

“Hello..I see I’m not the only one!..I am also a 30 yr old Africa American with Blackfoot ancestors and yes, Rh-negative blood. Have you found any further findings about as to how our blood type came to be?? I admit my life has changed quit a bit also. I’m soo curious NOW!”

I love the enthusiasm that people have regarding their ancestry. I too get excited, even after all these years. There are various speculations about how this blood type came to be. If I had to give a simple answer, I would tell those with Rh-negative blood type that it probably means that you have British ancestors, particularly Scottish or Irish. I don’t think though, that the short answer is good enough. I have spent more time trying to figure out the history (I too am Rh-negative) and have devoted another chapter to it in the newest book in this series, Secret Genealogy V, Black, White and Hamite; Ancestors of Color in Our Family Trees. The paperback version is available here:

Small Size FRONT Canva Cover Secret Genealogy Vhttps://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-Hamite-Ancestors-Family/dp/153518972X

The ebook will be available for sale on July 19th, 2016. You can pre-order it here:


I appreciate everyone’s interest! Fascinating, isn’t it?


African Secret Genealogy… So Many Ancient Roads to Travel


Secret GenealogyAs many of you know, I write about genealogy, in an “outside the box” fashion. We’ve been spoon-fed Biblical history in Sunday school and world history has been laid out before us in textbooks, movies and documentaries. But there is waaaaaay too much left uncovered.

The people of the world, really are intertwined. We all have ethnicities in our DNA that would not surprise us… it would shock us. Of course, we all know that white people can and do have African ancestors and we all know that black people can and do have white ancestors. And Asians… and Indians… and Middle Easterners… and Europeans… can and do have the DNA of a variety of ancestors. And I’ve written about African genealogy in my previous Secret Genealogy books but now it’s time to devote a whole book to it. I’ve always wanted to, but didn’t know if I could. But when I started writing a new Secret Genealogy book, the African chapter kept growing and growing… so it is standing tall as its own book, Secret Genealogy V – Africans in Our Family Trees. I have no idea when it will be finished, these books have minds of their own. But I thought I’d let everyone know that it is in the works and I’m enjoying the journey.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret GenealogyA How-to for Tracing Ancient Jewish Ancestry, Secret Genealogy IIUncovering the Jewish Roots of Our Christian Ancestors, Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians and Secret Genealogy IV – Native Americans Hidden in Our Family Trees. Available here:

Secret Genealogy:  http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-Volume-Suellen-Ocean/dp/0965114082

Secret Genealogy II:  http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-II-Christian-Ancestors/dp/1484053222

Secret Genealogy III:  http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-III-Jewish-Anglo-Saxon-Acadians/dp/148407579X

Secret Genealogy IV:  http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-IV-Native-Americans/dp/1500756105

I Can’t Picture My Ancestors in a Synagogue


There are images ingrained in our minds and more than enough stereotypes about what our ancestors may have been like. Life was different for them. Many of them stepped into a synagogue instead of a church. They also stepped up into carriages instead of cars and huddled in front of outdoor fires instead of flipping on central heating. Today, there are Christians who uncover a secret, their ancestors were Jewish. And they embrace it. Genealogy is not religion; it studies the religious patterns of our ancestors, opening up colorful visions of history. With all the new technology at our fingertips, we collaborate with others and unveil surprises. Sometimes that means discovering that our family tree was originally made of members who practiced Judaism. Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret GenealogyA How-to for Tracing Ancient Jewish Ancestry, Secret Genealogy IIUncovering the Jewish Roots of Our Christian Ancestors and Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:


Secret Genealogy:  https://www.createspace.com/4234160

Secret Genealogy II:  https://www.createspace.com/4235650

Secret Genealogy III:  https://www.createspace.com/4239009

eBooks and computer downloads available through Smashwords:


eBooks at Amazon:


Secret Genealogy    SecretGenealogyIIFrontCover    Hand Painted Roses Cover Sec Gen III

Finding The Bridge Between Anglo-Saxon Names and Ancient Jewish Ancestry


The surname “Roten” may have originally been Jewish. If the name originated from the old Sephardic name “Rotin”, it was eventually Anglicized to Wroughton, Wroten, etc. Many African Americans bear the Wroten name and are searching for their ancestral roots. Wroten/Roten family lines have left records of having household and agricultural slaves, perhaps just a few but enough to have left a legacy within the African American community. The pattern, in which they kept housekeeping slaves, resembles that of ancient European Sephardic Jews (Spain, Portugal, England).

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret GenealogyA How-to for Tracing Ancient Jewish Ancestry, Secret Genealogy IIUncovering the Jewish Roots of Our Christian Ancestors and Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:

Secret Genealogy: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-Volume-Suellen-Ocean/dp/0965114082

Secret Genealogy II: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-II-Christian-Ancestors/dp/1484053222

Secret Genealogy III: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-III-Jewish-Anglo-Saxon-Acadians/dp/148407579X

eBooks and computer downloads available through Smashwords:


eBooks at Barnes & Noble:


Secret Genealogy  SecretGenealogyIIFrontCover  Hand Painted Roses Cover Sec Gen III