Tag Archives: Not Really Christians

Genealogists, Let’s Talk Cryptically About Our Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparents


You’d be cryptic too if you were uprooted wherever you went. You can’t blame your ancestors for keeping quiet about their Hebrew origins, they wanted to live. And so today, we live, because our ancestors said “enough already” and were eventually convinced into joining the Christian belief system. Belief systems aside, we’re talking genealogy and those of us who are fascinated with unraveling that puzzle want to know. A true genealogist does not care what color nor what religion an ancestor was, they want to get to the truth. Uncovering that truth is a sense of pride because in America, people are free to practice their religion, no longer hiding in dark rooms for fear of, let’s face it … death.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret GenealogyA How-to for Tracing Ancient Jewish Ancestry, Secret Genealogy IIUncovering the Jewish Roots of Our Christian Ancestors and Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:

Secret Genealogy: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-Volume-Suellen-Ocean/dp/0965114082

Secret Genealogy II: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-II-Christian-Ancestors/dp/1484053222

Secret Genealogy III: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Genealogy-III-Jewish-Anglo-Saxon-Acadians/dp/148407579X

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