They Were Christians and They Held a High Seat in the Synagogue?


For heavens sake, is it just me or does the expression, “High seat in the synagogue,” sound Jewish? This expression is one of many you may run across, once you develop an eye and ear for it. I don’t know why, after five years, I’m still shaking my head about Jewish ancestry on both my parent’s trees. I guess it’s because they were SO religious and that religion was Christian. All the clues I’ve compiled do nothing to remove that feeling of amazement that my ancestors were Jewish. It’s like following along in your own Dan Brown novel, looking for clues and uncovering ancient truths. No, actually, it’s better because we all know, “The truth is stranger than fiction.” Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret GenealogyA How-to for Tracing Ancient Jewish Ancestry, Secret Genealogy IIUncovering the Jewish Roots of Our Christian Ancestors and Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:


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Secret Genealogy II:

Secret Genealogy III:

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